Bonny Bee

Bonny Bee is a musician and composer based near Heidelberg. Until today she is a permament member in two live bands and in addition to that she is producing Electro Swing and Electro Ska together with DJ Weide since 2021. Her passion for music started very early: playing the recorder with 6, starting piano lessons at 10 and classic string bass lessons with 18. She tought herself how to play Ukulele and of course she sang throughout the years while playing these instruments. Besides playing piano and bass in a Big Band, being 19 years old she startet playing keyboards at the well known European Ska Band NGOBO NGOBO. During her 23 years at NGOBO NGOBO she played more than 400 concerts in Europe, Africa and Japan and released five albums, one mini-album and appeared on many Samplers. For the last two albums she wrote four compositions and since then she keeps composing her own songs year after year.