LadyDot Review: Prince Ali (Electro Swing Remix)

Dave Wave and his fairytale vision of Electro Swing!
Dave Wave – “Prince Ali (Aladdin) [Electro Swing Remix]”

I vividly remember the day when Dave Wave posted a video on YouTube. He was explaining what Electro Swing really is. If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to watch it here. A few days after it was published, I shared a link to the video on my Facebook page.

A lot of people asked me what Electro Swing is, but my friends understood everything after watching Dave’s video and admitted that it’s impossible to sit still with this music! :) Today I would like to introduce you to Dave Wave’s work and to tell you about his latest track “Prince Ali”.

The Dave Wave Phenomenon And His Huge Electro Swing Remix Success

Before we get to the point, i.e. the review of the song “Prince Ali”, I’m tempted to describe my “internet investigation”! :) I have to admit that lately I rarely use YouTube – sometimes I watch music videos there, sometimes I turn on a travel documentary when I can’t sleep. It’s been a while since I’ve looked at Dave Wave’s channel and I’ve had a lot of catching up to do to get to know his work properly. I remembered his Electro Swing remix of “A Friend Like Me” from the fairy tale Aladdin very well, because after his “Electro Swing instruction” I mentioned above, lots of people wanted to hear this sample track in its entirety.

But I didn’t expect that Dave, or rather Davide Di Bello, had already created a whole lot of such songs. What’s more, I was very surprised to find out that on Wolfgang Lohr and Alanna Lyes’ song “Upside Down”, it was Dave who played the piano. And it was he who produced that brilliant solo that I have always so admired! However, when I go to his Spotify account, there aren’t many tracks on there. I think both myself and all Dave’s YouTube fans (at the moment his account is subscribed to by 283,000 people, and the aforementioned remix of “A Friend Like Me” already has 18 million views!) would love to hear that magical Davide piano in many more Electro Swing songs.

Dave Wave – For The Love Of Electro Swing And… Fairy Tales!

As you can guess, “Prince Ali” is one of several Dave Wave tracks that are inspired by fairy tales. On his YouTube channel you can find remixes of songs from The Jungle Book (“I Wanna Be Like You”) or from my beloved childhood fairy tale – Winnie the Pooh! :)

What captivated me about “Prince Ali”? First of all, the fact that Dave so perfectly combines vocals from both the 1992 animated version of Aladdin (the Genie’s voice is Robin Williams in the flesh!) and the 2019 live-action version, where Will Smith plays the role of the Genie. Arabian rhythms blend wonderfully here with a fantastically polished mix and electronic, house elements. The refrain refers much more to club music than to Electro Swing, but fortunately we do not have to wait too long for what Davide’s fans surely wait for every time.

That is… a fantastic piano solo! Dave’s skills are downright impressive – you can hear not only incredible passion in every sound, but also years of experience. To be honest, I listened to this solo several times. I kept rewinding the track until Dave’s hand and his vintage piano came into the picture. I think you too are in awe of his talent. And “Prince Ali”, of course! I’m very, very much looking forward to this wonderful composer joining forces with other Electro Swing artists soon and releasing a perfect track that I will be playing in my speakers for a long time to come! :)

Written & reviewed by  LadyDot (Ja, Wizeruk) Date: 2022-05-30

Bio – LadyDot

Anna (LadyDot) was born in ’94, but always felt she came from the Golden Twenties. “Polka” in Polish means “girl from Poland”, so she’s “Polka in polka dots”. She loves vintage style and spontaneous travels around Europe. But her greatest love (apart from her husband) is of course music, especially Electro Swing.

On her own Blog she writes about various music genres. She is a copywriter, so writing is her strong point. Anna likes singing (not only in the shower!) and cooking (especially Italian and Hungarian cuisine).

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