LadyDot Review: Jamie Berry & Little Violet – Take You Right Back

Berry & Violet – this Electro Swing duo will colour your world!

Recently I wrote to you that before I left for my Eurotrip I planned in advance which songs I would review – so that you would have something to read while I was travelling across Europe. This plan was first thwarted by Lamuzgueule, who released “Posture” (you can read this review HERE).

And then Freshly Squeezed Music, or rather Jamie Berry and Little Violet, stepped in. On 10 June they released the single ‘Take You Right Back’, which enchanted me, delighted me and brought me loads of musical joy. You already know that planning is not my strong point – I much prefer spontaneous twists and turns! :) I’ll be happy to tell you a bit about this song. And a bit about the work of the wonderful artists who created it.

Jamie Berry and his unique vision of Electro Swing

Do you also have a few favourite artists who you think have released some really great, polished and perfectly catchy songs? Who hasn’t had a single stumble or a weaker single that you didn’t quite like? I have to confess that this is what I have to say about Jamie Berry’s work. Whether he releases a solo track or invites a female vocalist to collaborate, I know in advance that it’s going to be something good.

Do you also hear in the song “Take You Right Back” a motif similar in sound to “In the Cave of the Mountain King”? I don’t know if Jamie was inspired by this piece of classical music, but one thing is for sure: I like this Electro Swing piece a lot!

I have no idea how he does it all, but each of his singles is a presentation of his unique musical style – impossible to forge! I feel that his songs are very complex in terms of composition. There is so much going on in them that I don’t know what to write about – I just don’t have the words to express how his mixes quickly reach my heart. All I can say now is: I’m eagerly waiting for your next hit, Jamie!

Andrew Griffiths – the master of the brass section

Jamie wrote on his social media that the brass section instruments were recorded by Andrew Griffiths. I’ve always wondered who records these fantastic instrumentals for Jamie that make such an electrifying impression on me.

Now I can personally thank you for all of this – Andrew, you are a genius, and all those inserts of the raging brass section in “Take You Right Back” make my heart start beating to the rhythm of those exquisite sounds! P.S. that trumpet, which separates itself from the whole brass section somewhere between the chorus and the stanza and gently plays in the background, totally delighted me. Can you hear it too, my dear readers? :)

Interesting fact: Andrew also collaborated with Jamie on the excellent album “Light up the Night”. Maybe it’s a good opportunity to recall all those songs that rock, sway and even command to get up and dance?

Little Violet – a voice that stays in your memory for a long time

When I found out that Little Violet was going to sing on Jamie’s track this time, I was sure – they were going to release a holiday banger together. You know this fantastic vocalist very well – last year she released a perfect album in every way – “Code Red” (of course, I’ve reviewed that album too, HERE – be sure to check it out, because I guarantee that all these songs will colour your world! :)).

As you may have guessed, ‘Take You Right Back’ is not the first collaborative track from this fantastic duo. They released “Make Your Move” in 2020 and one of my favourite singles, “Guilty Pleasure” in 2021, which gives me a whole lot of pleasure every time I play it!

Coming back to “Take You Right Back”… Little Violet doesn’t shock in it and doesn’t have to prove anything to us, because we are all aware of her incredible talent. In my opinion she is one of the best Electro Swing vocalists (I think I wrote about it once before, right? :)).

A little bit feisty, characterful voice, wonderful jazz vibe, pure sound… What more could you want? Little Violet has it that she “colours” each song with her vocal and adds unique colours to it, which never fade!

Written & reviewed by  LadyDot (Ja, Wizeruk) Date: 2022-07-04

Bio – LadyDot

Anna (LadyDot) was born in ’94, but always felt she came from the Golden Twenties. “Polka” in Polish means “girl from Poland”, so she’s “Polka in polka dots”. She loves vintage style and spontaneous travels around Europe. But her greatest love (apart from her husband) is of course music, especially Electro Swing.

On her own Blog she writes about various music genres. She is a copywriter, so writing is her strong point. Anna likes singing (not only in the shower!) and cooking (especially Italian and Hungarian cuisine).

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