LadyDot Review: Lamuzgueule – Pleins Phares

It’s Lamuzgueule time – it’s time for an Electro Swing revolution! Review of Lamuzgueule’s single – “Pleins Phares”

I know it’s only mid-March, but I’m already looking forward to spring. Because I have a feeling that a whole lot of exciting things are going to happen in Electro Swing then! And one of them is certainly the new Lamuzgueule album. As I await the release of ‘I Am Anachronic’ (which will be out on the 5th of May), I am thoroughly enjoying listening to their singles promoting the release. The first of these, ‘Ascendant Brasier’, immediately made it to my playlist of favourite tracks.

By the time you read this article, the third single, ‘Le Coeur à la Fête’, has probably also already been released, but I haven’t had the chance to listen to it yet. So I will tell you about the second single, namely ‘Pleins Phares’, which Lamuzgueule produced together with The Swing Bot. The plan is this: you listen to the song while reading my review, then watch the video and… pre-order their latest album (I’ll tell you how to do it at the end of this article). Okay?

Powerful Vocals And Lyrics With A Message – A Recipe For A Perfect Single

‘Pleins Phares’ is a track that is made up of a really myriad of elements. We have, of course, the brilliant, synchronised vocals of Romain and Agathe. I’ve written many times about how I love their expressiveness, passion and flawless voices that come together so beautifully. This time, of course, could be no different. These are truly outstanding artists, because whether I’m listening to their studio tracks or attending a gig (yes, I was at their show last year and it was a totally unforgettable experience! You can read a report of the Lamuzgueule gig HERE), I can feel their energy and the power of their voices, which complement the musical layer exquisitely.

Let’s focus on the lyrics of the song for a moment. I started learning French some time ago, so fortunately I understand the lyrics a little. In ‘Pleins Phares’, Lamuzgueule want to remind us that we are the ones who have direct control over time and our future. And I feel that Lamuzgueule are doing just that – taking advantage of every moment, enjoying life, creating a lot and touring a lot. Because that’s what all the spotlight is on right now!

French Touch + Electro Swing = Perfect Combination

Speaking of music, I can’t get over the genius of the two people who play saxophone and trumpet. Salvatore, Etienne – you are simply amazing and make the track take on wonderful, sunny colours with these tunes. And, as a huge fan of the french touch, I guess I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t mention the electronic core of ‘Pleins Phares’, for which Lucien (bass and synth bass) and Félix (keyboards and drum pad) are responsible. Those basses, beats and effects are a real masterpiece! I don’t know if I have a good feeling, but it seems to me that The Swing Bot contributed to the intro and added some elements to the solo. I recently listened to his new album ‘Art Disco’ and I have to say that it is a very interesting Electro Swing release, which by the way I highly recommend to you.

Listen carefully to ‘Pleins Phares’ and try to get into the melody. I guarantee you that this is Electro Swing at the highest, even world-class level. I have mentioned many times that the French are the best when it comes to electronic music. I totally stand by this opinion and I’m very happy that Lamuzgueule are taking their cues from these top French touch artists while creating something of their own, unique, outstanding.

Let’s Help Lamuzgueule Release A New Album!

I know I’ve written about it HERE, in a previous article in the Electro Swing News series. But I also know that the more times I remind you about it, the more people will know about this fantastic initiative where everyone’s a winner! Why? Because with your financial support and pre-order of the albums, you will help Lamuzgueule to finish the work on this album.

And you, as a thank you, will receive a whole lot more surprises from the band (for example, a T-shirt, socks, albums from Lamuzgueule’s discography and even tickets to their release party in Paris or Grenoble. And that’s just the start of this long list of gifts!). Isn’t that a cool deal? I think it’s a great one! You can find a description of all the packages and a link to the collection HERE!

Written & reviewed by  LadyDot (Ja, Wizeruk) Date: 2023-03-13

Bio – LadyDot

Anna (LadyDot) was born in ’94, but always felt she came from the Golden Twenties. “Polka” in Polish means “girl from Poland”, so she’s “Polka in polka dots”. She loves vintage style and spontaneous travels around Europe. But her greatest love (apart from her husband) is of course music, especially Electro Swing.

On her own Blog she writes about various music genres. She is a copywriter, so writing is her strong point. Anna likes singing (not only in the shower!) and cooking (especially Italian and Hungarian cuisine).

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