LadyDot Review: Parov Stelar & Stelartronic – “Breathe”

New Single From The King Of Electro Swing With A Summer Vibe. Single Review: Parov Stelar & Stelartronic – “Breathe”

This artist really needs no introduction. He is regarded, rightly so, as the creator of the Electro Swing musical genre. Sometimes I even wonder if Parov Stelar himself realises how much his songs and visionary work means both to his fans and to the artists who, thanks to him, started to be passionate about Electro Swing and to create their own songs in this style. Today I have prepared a review for you of Parov Stelar & Stelartronic latest single, ‘Breathe’. Are you curious to know what I think of this song? 😉

The King Of Electro Swing And… Electronic Music!

What do I appreciate Parov Stelar for? First of all, for the fact that he has not closed himself off to experimenting with different musical genres. Unfortunately, I realise that many people may ask: why don’t you just create in the Electro Swing genre, after all you created it yourself? I can’t speak for Parov Stelar himself, but I think the answer to this kind of question is very simple: every artist wants to develop, to add more and more original elements to their songs. After all, no one would want to listen to music that is made because it’s forced, right? 😊
If people are reading this who only want to listen to Parov Stelar’s songs created in the Electro Swing genre, I recommend them to listen to the brilliant, really excellent pop-electronic track ‘Don’t You Forget’, which he recorded with Lilja Bloom and Anduze. Or one of his latest singles, ‘Future’ (feat. James Deacon), which was used in a BMW commercial. Above all, Parov Stelar is an outstanding creator of electronic music and, as a long-time fan, I will be rooting for him and promoting his songs. As, incidentally, I have been doing this for almost 14 years now.

‘Breathe’ – A Breath Of Electro Swing Freshness

Well, as usual, I’ve indulged in a rather long introduction, but forgive me, I had to write about it before I got to the point. 😊 On the 21st of July, Parov Stelar released an absolutely great new Electro Swing banger – ‘Breathe’. Although I have to honestly admit that already after the publication of the short preview video on the 17th of July, I felt that this was going to be something amazing, I preferred to withhold my opinions until the release.
What captivated me about ‘Breathe’? I guess the fact that this single reminded me with its sound of the absolutely perfect and very diverse 2017 album ‘The Burning Spider’, which is undoubtedly one of my favourite albums by Parov Stelar. A perfect, easy to remember (and then of course to hum, haha) Electro Swing theme that totally captivated me. It’s so catchy and dance-inducing that, as I was writing this review, I listened to it over and over again without feeling bored. Lilja Bloom sounds a bit like the song ‘Step Two’ – mysterious, fascinating and intriguing. In ‘Breathe’, Parov Stelar shows us his creativity and, above all, proves over and over again that he is an excellent producer of electronic music. And on top of that, he is able to create a complete banger, perfect for summer evenings, which I will enjoy listening to all year round.
It absolutely comes as no surprise to me that, at the end of the holiday when I am writing this review, the single has almost 410,000 plays on Spotify. Parov Stelar & Stelartronic have won my heart, and something feels like Parov Stelar will surprise us with something else this year. Maybe it will be a new single, or maybe… the announcement of a new album 😉 Who knows!

Written & reviewed by LadyDot (Ja, Wizeruk) Date: 2023-09-04

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Bio – LadyDot

Anna (LadyDot) was born in ’94, but always felt she came from the Golden Twenties. “Polka” in Polish means “girl from Poland”, so she’s “Polka in polka dots”. She loves vintage style and spontaneous travels around Europe. But her greatest love (apart from her husband) is of course music, especially Electro Swing, Funk, Swing Hop and French Electronic Music.

Anna works at a Polish music label, where she coordinates the physical production of CDs and vinyl records. Music is therefore not only her passion, but also her job!

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