Review: Mr. Jazzek Intensifies The Ambiance
With His Latest Single ‘Oriental Swing’

The DJ and producer Mr. Jazzek collaborates with the talented musician Lillian Hardin Armstrong to gift the audience a groovy ambiance in the form of ‘Oriental Swing’.

Mr. Jazzek‘s latest release has left everyone in awe of the impeccable musicianship of the artist. Bursting into the music scene with an addictive and intoxicating hook section, the track reaches the soul of the listeners and makes them groove to each of the bars. ‘Oriental Swing’ has all the ingredients of melody that the fans love to witness. The influx of engaging lyricism and even more captivating vocal performance into the arena is just blissful.

There isn’t a single moment in the track that is scarce of fascinating instrumentation, and thus the listeners can find themselves immersed into the entire structural arrangement of the track and at the same moment get to feel each of the words spoken. The energy around ‘Oriental Swing’ is supreme and the intricate yet smooth details entice you to get engaged in the rhythmic development and enthralling instrumentation. The fusion of all of these elements will linger on your mind, long after the end of the track.

The creative brilliance of Mr. Jazzek lies partly in the harmonically-rich essence of the entire musical piece and partly in his artistic abilities. Another artist Lillian Hardin Armstrong has contributed a lot in making it big. The performance of Lil Hardin Armstrong is also commendable. Being the equal-half contributor of the track, she has done a tremendous job in maintaining a fine balance among the elements. Listen to more tracks from him, such as ‘Gogo’, ‘Alla Turca’, ‘Everybody’, ‘Basement 1920’, ‘Gagarin’, etc. on Spotify. To listen to more tracks of Mr. Jazzek click HERE!

Main-Link for all platforms: Stream & Download “Mr. Jazzek – Oriental Swing” Here!

Review: IssueWire Date: 2020-02-27