The Swingrowers From Italy Stop Their Album Recordings!

The Swingrowers from Italy stop their album recordings because of the coronavirus. Here is a current post from the band to assess the situation in Italy, which should also give courage. We are all one Electro Swing and music family… and one world!

“Hi friends from all over the world, we want to reassure you that we are fine. Thanks for the many messages you send us.

The situation is not easy for anyone here in Italy. Our beautiful country has had to stop to prevent the collapse of hospitals and minimize infections. We too were forced to stop, just when we were recording the new record. But we’ll do it anyway. We are thinking and inventing new ways to keep the promise we made to you. The disc will come. ❤️

We want to tell all Italians to try to reinvent themselves and discover themselves capable of things they would never have thought they could do. There will be many.

Stay with your families now that you can, enjoy this slow time and get ready to start stronger than before when all this passes. Because it will pass.
Staying at home is an act of responsibility for ourselves and for others.
We are part of a whole, this virus has come to remind us!“

Swingrowers Original Facebook Post